Python Functions and Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes¶
Preamble: Run the cells below to import the necessary Python packages
This notebook created by William Gilpin. Consult the course website for all content and GitHub repository for raw files and runnable online code.
# Import local plotting functions and in-notebook display functions
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
# Import linear algebra module
# import numpy as np
Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes¶
Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes describe the motion of a particle attached to a simple Hookean spring, in the presence of noise. They are a minimal model of physical systems with a balance of confining forces and stochastic forces.
In biophysics and atomic physics, specialized devices called optical traps are well described by Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes. Laser light is used to confine a particle, which also jiggles due to Brownian forces because its small size.
A nanoparticle (103 nm in diameter) trapped by an optical tweezer. Bjschellenberg, CC BY-SA 4.0 via Wikimedia Commons and Cr4sZz, CC BY-SA 4.0 via Wikimedia Commons
Mathematically, we can describe an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process as
$$ dx_{t}=-\alpha \,x_{t}\,dt+\sigma \,dW_{t} $$
Physically, $\alpha$ represents the spring constant. A tighter, more confining trap with have a higher $\alpha$. The noise amplitude $\sigma$ represents the strength of noise in our system. For example, if we increase the temperature of the air around an optical trap, or decrease the size of the particle we are trapping, we expect that $\sigma$ will increase.
In discrete time, this becomes
$$ x_{t+1}=x_{t}-\alpha \,x_{t}\,\Delta t+\sigma \,\sqrt{\Delta t}\,Z_{t} $$
where $Z_{t}$ is a standard normal random variable. For simplicity, hereafter we will assume that time in measured in units for which $\Delta t=1$, thus making the two terms in the discrete process separately proportional to the simulation parameters $\alpha$ and $\sigma$.
Python functions¶
There are several unique features of Python functions that we will use in this course:
- keyword arguments are optional arguments with default values
- variables within functions alwayus have local scope
- docstrings are used to describe all arguments and returns in human-readable text
- We very often need to use functions that were written by others, in order to define our own functions. So we are going to import a library called
, which supports sampling random distributions
# Import additional modules of the python library, which implement features that we might need
import random
def ornstein_uhlenbeck_process(x, alpha=0.1, sigma=1.0, dt=1.0):
One step for the dynamics of a particle in a harmonic potential, with Brownian noise
Equivalent to an AR(1) process with alpha = 1
x (float): The current position of the particle
alpha (float): The spring constant
sigma (float): The amplitude of the random noise
float: The position of the particle at the next time step
# forcing term
drift = -alpha * x# * dt
# stochastic diffusion term
# random.gauss(0, 1) samples a random value from a normal distribution with mean 0
# and variance 1
diffusion = sigma * random.gauss(0, 1)# * math.sqrt(dt)
# The OU process is a combination of drift and diffusion
x_nxt = x + drift + diffusion
return x_nxt
# for short functions, we might sometimes use a lambda function
# ornstein_uhlenbeck_process = lambda x, alpha=0.1, sigma=1.0: x -alpha * x + sigma * random.gauss(0, 1)
all_steps = [0]
for i in range(400):
ornstein_uhlenbeck_process(all_steps[-1], alpha=0.5, sigma=1)
# all_steps = [0]
# for i in range(400):
# all_steps.append(ornstein_uhlenbeck_process(all_steps[-1], 0*0.1))
# plt.figure()
# plt.plot(all_steps)
# all_steps = [0]
# for i in range(400):
# all_steps.append(ornstein_uhlenbeck_process(all_steps[-1], 0.1, sigma=10))
# plt.figure()
# plt.plot(all_steps)
Text(0, 0.5, 'position')
As in other languages, the variables occuring within Python functions have local scope
print(drift) # this will fail because drift is not defined outside of the function
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NameError Traceback (most recent call last) Cell In[12], line 1 ----> 1 print(drift) # this will fail because drift is not defined outside of the function NameError: name 'drift' is not defined
We can use the help functions to check the docstring that we wrote for our function
Help on function ornstein_uhlenbeck_process in module __main__: ornstein_uhlenbeck_process(x, alpha=0.1, sigma=1.0, dt=1.0) One step for the dynamics of a particle in a harmonic potential, with Brownian noise Equivalent to an AR(1) process with alpha = 1 Args: x (float): The current position of the particle alpha (float): The spring constant sigma (float): The amplitude of the random noise
Help on method gauss in module random: gauss(mu=0.0, sigma=1.0) method of random.Random instance Gaussian distribution. mu is the mean, and sigma is the standard deviation. This is slightly faster than the normalvariate() function. Not thread-safe without a lock around calls.
['BPF', 'LOG4', 'NV_MAGICCONST', 'RECIP_BPF', 'Random', 'SG_MAGICCONST', 'SystemRandom', 'TWOPI', '_ONE', '_Sequence', '_Set', '__all__', '__builtins__', '__cached__', '__doc__', '__file__', '__loader__', '__name__', '__package__', '__spec__', '_accumulate', '_acos', '_bisect', '_ceil', '_cos', '_e', '_exp', '_floor', '_index', '_inst', '_isfinite', '_log', '_os', '_pi', '_random', '_repeat', '_sha512', '_sin', '_sqrt', '_test', '_test_generator', '_urandom', '_warn', 'betavariate', 'choice', 'choices', 'expovariate', 'gammavariate', 'gauss', 'getrandbits', 'getstate', 'lognormvariate', 'normalvariate', 'paretovariate', 'randbytes', 'randint', 'random', 'randrange', 'sample', 'seed', 'setstate', 'shuffle', 'triangular', 'uniform', 'vonmisesvariate', 'weibullvariate']
Conditional halting of a process¶
Suppose we don't want to stop after a fixed number of timesteps, but rather when some condition is met.
For example, we might be interested in simulating a trapped particle until the particle escapes by crossing some barrier
In this case, we want to use a
# While loops halt on condition, rather than number of iterations. Here, it's useful
# for finding first-passage times of the diffusion process
# We import Python's linear algebra library, which is used to
import numpy as np
# set pseudorandom seed
# random.seed(5)
all_steps = [0]
while abs(all_steps[-1]) < 3:
all_steps.append(ornstein_uhlenbeck_process(all_steps[-1], alpha=0.8, sigma=2))
plt.plot(np.arange(len(all_steps)), all_steps)
plt.xlabel('Time step')
Text(0, 0.5, 'Position')
First passage time distributions¶
Now we will simulate a bunch of processes in order to observe the first passage time distribution.
In physics, the first-passage time distribution is the probability distribution of the times it takes for a stochastic process to first reach a certain value.
We can think of this simulation as probing the distribution of outcomes. Across many experiments on an optical trap with stiffness $\alpha$ and noise amplitude $\sigma$, how long do we expect to trap the particle?
Another example where first passage time distributions are useful is in the study of chemical reactions. Oftentimes, reactants must first reach a certain energy threshold before they can react. The distribution of times it takes for the reactants to reach this threshold is the first passage time.
## now run a simulation with many trajectories to get the distribution of first-passage times
all_fpt_durations = []
for i in range(1000): # number of experiments
all_steps = [0]
while abs(all_steps[-1]) < 3:
all_steps.append(ornstein_uhlenbeck_process(all_steps[-1], alpha=0.1, sigma=0.5))
plt.hist(all_fpt_durations, bins=50);
plt.xlabel('First-passage time')
Text(0, 0.5, 'Count')
Python functions are objects¶
You can pass Python functions to other functions, as if they were any other variable.
Below, we'll use lambda functions to define two versions of an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process with different stiffnesses, as well as a Weiner process (no confinement) and random jumps
# Define several stochastic processes with constant variance 1.0 and varying stiffness
ornstein_uhlenbeck_process_wide = lambda x: x - 0.05 * x + random.gauss(0, 1)
ornstein_uhlenbeck_process_tight = lambda x: x - 0.5 * x + random.gauss(0, 1)
wiener_process = lambda x: x + random.gauss(0, 1)
random_walk = lambda x: random.gauss(0, 1)
Next, we will define a function that will take a given stochastic process and return the first passage time distribution.
def first_passage_time(process, n_sim=10000, xc=3):
Given a random process, perform n_sim simulations and return the durations
process (function): a function that takes a single argument and returns a single value
n_sim (int): number of simulations to run
xc (float): the crossing threshold for the first passage time
list: durations of the first passage times
all_fpt_durations = []
for i in range(n_sim):
all_steps = [0]
while np.abs(all_steps[-1]) < xc:
return all_fpt_durations
Help on function first_passage_time in module __main__: first_passage_time(process, n_sim=10000, xc=3) Given a random process, perform n_sim simulations and return the durations Args: process (function): a function that takes a single argument and returns a single value n_sim (int): number of simulations to run xc (float): the crossing threshold for the first passage time Returns: list: durations of the first passage times
We will now use this function to calculate the first passage time distribution for a stiff and wide Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes.
# Generate the first passage time distributions
fpt_times_tight = first_passage_time(ornstein_uhlenbeck_process_tight)
fpt_times_wide = first_passage_time(ornstein_uhlenbeck_process_wide)
plt.hist(fpt_times_tight, bins=50, alpha=0.5, label='tight', color='b')
plt.hist(fpt_times_wide, bins=50, alpha=0.5, label="wide", color='r')
plt.title("Stiff vs Wide Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes")
plt.xlabel("First passage time")
plt.semilogy()#Make a plot with log scaling on the y-axis
plt.hist(first_passage_time(random_walk), bins=50);
plt.xlabel("First passage time")
plt.title("Random Walk process")
plt.hist(first_passage_time(wiener_process), bins=50);
plt.xlabel("First passage time")
plt.title("Wiener process")
Text(0.5, 1.0, 'Wiener process')
- Why does the more strongly-confined process have a narrower first passage time distribution?
What is the simulation showing?¶
The first-passage time distribution of an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process is difficult to compute analytically, but our simulations suggest that it exhibits a predominantly exponential decay at long times. We can use our results to motivate an analytical approximation for the first-passage time distribution.
We first define the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process symbolically. We define the drift term to be negative, so the process is mean-reverting.
$$ dx_{t}=-\alpha \,x_{t}\,dt+\sigma \,dW_{t} $$
We are using the Ito interpretation of the stochastic differential equation. Notice how when $dW_t$ is zero, we recover a familiar ordinary differential equation. We use this notation because the stochastic term itself cannot be differentiated.
The solution to this equation is: $$ x_{t}=x_{0}\,e^{-\alpha t} + \sigma \int_{0}^{t}e^{-\alpha (t-s)}\,dW_{s} $$
Notice that the second term resembles a Laplace transformation. We can next define a first-passage time function on this interval:
$$ \tau = \inf \{t>0: |x_{t}| \geq x_c\} $$
where $x_c$ is the crossing threshold.
Understanding the motion of ensembles of particles¶
The Fokker-Planck equation allows us to go from studying the motion of a single particle, $x_{t}$, to instead studying the motion of a distribution of particles, $p(x, t)$. Across many random runs of the process, or many random optical trap experiments, $p(x, t)$ tells us how often we expect to find a particle at position $x$ at time $t$.
The Fokker-Planck equation for an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process is
$$ \frac{\partial}{\partial t}p(x, t) = \alpha \frac{\partial}{\partial x} \left(x \, p(x, t) \right) + \frac{1}{2}\sigma^{2} \frac{\partial^{2}}{\partial x^{2}}p(x, t) $$
Unlike the single-particle stochastic process, the Fokker-Planck equation describes the distribution of trajectories under the process over time. In order to solve this partial differential equation, we need to learn more about how ensembles of trajectories from our process behave.
def run_simulation(process, n_sim, n_tpts):
A function that runs a given stochastic process n_sim times, and returns an
array of the results. The process is assumed to be a function that takes a
single argument (the current value of the process) and returns the next
value of the process.
process (function): A function that takes a single argument (the current
value of the process) and returns the next value of the process.
n_sim (int): The number of simulations to run.
n_tpts (int): The number of time points to simulate.
all_simulations (np.ndarray): An array of shape (n_sim, n_tpts) containing
the results of the simulations. The first axis indexes the simulation
replicate, and the second axis indexes the time point.
# Since we know the size of our output in advance, we can pre-allocate the
# solution array to avoid the overhead of adding elements to a list
all_simulations = np.zeros((n_sim, n_tpts))
for i in range(n_sim):
for j in range(1, n_tpts):
all_simulations[i, j] = process(all_simulations[i, j - 1])
return all_simulations
out = run_simulation(ornstein_uhlenbeck_process_wide, 10, 200)
plt.figure(figsize=(8, 4))
out = run_simulation(ornstein_uhlenbeck_process_wide, 5000, 200)
plt.figure(figsize=(8, 4))
plt.plot(out.T, color='k', alpha=0.005, linewidth=0.5);
plt.xlim(0, out.shape[1])
plt.hist(out[:, -1], bins=20);
plt.xlabel('Final Value')
Text(0, 0.5, 'Count')
It looks like the long-time limit of the process is a Gaussian distribution. We can therefore solve the Fokker-Planck equation by imposing the analytical ansatz, $$ p(x, t) = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi \Sigma^2(t)}} \exp \left(-\frac{x^2}{2\,\Sigma^2(t)} \right) $$ We next insert this ansatz into the Fokker-Planck equation with an initial condition given by $p(x,0) = \delta(x)$, because all of our simulations start at the origin.
Simplification of the resulting expression produces an ordinary differential equation for $\Sigma(t)$: $$ \frac{d\Sigma(t)}{dt} = \sigma^2 + 2\alpha \Sigma(t) $$
We impose the initial condition $\Sigma(0) = 0$ to find the solution. To avoid singularities, this can be accomplished by setting $\Sigma(0) = \epsilon$, solving the initial value problem, and then taking the limit $\epsilon \rightarrow 0$, we arrive at the expression for $\Sigma(t)$:
$$ \Sigma^2(t) = \dfrac{\sigma^2}{2\alpha} \left( 1 - e^{-2\alpha t} \right) $$
We can see that over a timescale $\tau = 1/(2 \alpha)$, the variance of the distribution reaches an asymptotic value of $\tilde\Sigma^2 = \sigma^2/(2\alpha)$. For our tight and wide simulations, $\tau = 1^2 / (2 \cdot 0.5) = 1$ and $\tau = 1^2 / (2 \cdot 0.05) = 10$, respectively, confirming that our first passage distributions involve timescales beyond the asymptotic limit of the variance. We refer to the stationary Gaussian distribution as $\tilde p(x)$ to distinguish it from the transient time-dependent distribution $p(x,t)$.
In the asymptotic limit, we can think of the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process as continuously sampling values from a stationary Gaussian distribution. The probability of success of a given draw is given by the fraction of the distribution that lies above the threshold at $x_c$ at any given time, which is given by $\int_{x_c}^{\infty} \tilde p(x) \, dx$. In discrete time, if we assume each draw is independent, then the probability of success after $n$ draws is given by the binomial distribution. In continuous time, this process asymptotically approaches an exponential distribution.
What is the probability of success after $n$ draws from a Gaussian distribution with mean $0$ and variance $\sigma^2$?
Taking the continuous-time limit, what is the probability of success after a time $\tau$?
Given the expression for the variance of the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process described above, what is the probability density function for the first-hitting time $\tau$?
tvals = np.arange(0, 1000)
plt.hist(fpt_times_tight, bins=50, alpha=0.5) # 0.5
plt.hist(fpt_times_wide, bins=50, alpha=0.5, color='r') # 0.05
# plt.semilogy(10000 * np.exp(-2 * 0.004 * tvals), 'k')
# plt.semilogy(10000 * np.exp(-2 * 0.05 * tvals), 'k')
plt.semilogy(10000 * np.exp(-0.259398 * tvals), 'g')
plt.semilogy(10000 * np.exp(-1 * tvals), 'k')
plt.ylim(1, 3000)
# plt.xlim(0, 100)
# plt.figure()
# plt.semilogy()
# plt.hist(fpt_times_tight, bins=50, alpha=0.5)
# plt.hist(fpt_times_wide, bins=50, alpha=0.5, color='r')
# plt.legend()
# plt.title("Stiff vs Wide Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes")
# plt.xlabel("First passage time")
Text(0, 0.5, 'Count')
Classes and object-oriented programming¶
- Classes are abstract Python objects that bundle variables and functions, which are usually called "methods" in this context
- Critical for writing high-level abstract code
- Classes are useful for keeping track of the state of a simulation
- All classes have constructor methods, where Python reserves space for the object and sets the initial values of variables bound to the class, which are called "instance variables" in this context
import random
def ornstein_uhlenbeck_process(x, alpha=0.1, sigma=1.0, dt=1.0):
One step for the dynamics of a particle in a harmonic potential, with Brownian noise
Equivalent to an AR(1) process with alpha = 1
x (float): The current position of the particle
alpha (float): The spring constant
sigma (float): The amplitude of the random noise
# forcing term
drift = -alpha * x# * dt
# stochastic diffusion term
# random.gauss(0, 1) samples a random value from a normal distribution with mean 0
# and variance 1
diffusion = sigma * random.gauss(0, 1)# * math.sqrt(dt)
# The OU process is a combination of drift and diffusion
x_nxt = x + drift + diffusion
return x_nxt
import random
class OrnsteinUhlenbeckProcess:
A class for generating Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes.
alpha (float): spring constant
# Constructor (mandatory for isolated class)
def __init__(self, alpha=0.2, sigma=1.0):
self.alpha = alpha
self.sigma = sigma
def step(self, x):
drift = -self.alpha * x
diffusion = self.sigma * random.gauss(0, 1)
return x + drift + diffusion
def run_process(self, n_steps, x0=0):
"""Runs the process"""
all_steps = [x0]
for i in range(n_steps):
return all_steps
## double underscore methods are special methods to python
# def __call__(self, x):
# return self.step(x)
process1 = OrnsteinUhlenbeckProcess(sigma=0.5, alpha=0.1)
print(process1.alpha, process1.sigma)
process2 = OrnsteinUhlenbeckProcess(alpha=0.2, sigma=0.1)
print(process2.alpha, process2.sigma)
traj = process1.run_process(400)
# # traj = process1(400) # use the special "call" method
# process2 = OrnsteinUhlenbeckProcess(0.001, 0.1)
# traj = process2.run_process(400)
# # traj = process2(400) # use the special "call" method
# plt.xlabel("Time")
# plt.ylabel("Position")
# plt.figure()
# plt.plot(traj)
# plt.xlabel("Time")
# plt.ylabel("Position")
0.1 0.5 0.2 0.1
Text(0, 0.5, 'Position')
Help on method run_process in module __main__: run_process(n_steps, x0=0) method of __main__.OrnsteinUhlenbeckProcess instance Runs the process
- Allows you to recycle code by defining abstract classes, then specific refinements
Hierarchical inheritance (most common)
- Multiple child classes inherit shared methods from a parent class
Multiple inheritance (common in machine learning)
- Child merges methods from a shared parent
# Source:
Let's see an example of a generic stochastic process class, and then define some specific types of stochastic processes as subclasses of this generic class.
In discrete time, a generic AR(1) (autoregressive, order 1) stochastic process is defined as
$$ X_{t} = f(X_{t-1}) $$
where $f$ is a function that takes the previous value of the process and returns the current value. This can be a deterministic or a stochastic function. From this generic process we can define a variety of specific types of stochastic processes
$$ \begin{array}{lll} \text{Process} & \text{Equation} & \text{Notes} \\ \hline \text{Generic AR(1)} & X_{t} = f(X_{t-1}) & f \text{ can be deterministic or stochastic} \\ \text{Identity} & X_{t} = X_{t-1} & \\ \text{Wiener} & X_{t} = X_{t-1} + \epsilon & \epsilon \sim N(0, \sigma^2) \\ \text{Ornstein-Uhlenbeck} & X_{t} = X_{t-1} - \alpha X_{t-1} + \sigma \epsilon & \epsilon \sim N(0, 1), \Delta t = 1 \\ \text{Geometric Brownian Motion} & X_{t} = X_{t-1}(1 + \mu + \sigma \epsilon) & \epsilon \sim N(0, 1), \Delta t = 1 \\ \end{array} $$
Wiener, Ornstein-Uhlenbeck, and Random Walk processes appear throughout natural sciences, and describe the diffusion of chemicals, small particles in fluids, and other phenomena. Geometric Brownian Motion often occurs in finance, as well as other systems where random fluctuations are multiplicative (for example, when they act on percentage cjanges rather than absolute changes).
import numpy as np
class StochasticProcess:
A base class for stochastic processes.
start_val (float): The starting value of the process
dim (int): The dimension of the process
drift_level (float): The drift level of the process
noise_level (float): The noise level of the process
store_history (bool): Whether to store the history of the process
random_state (int): The random state to use for reproducibility
def __init__(self, start_val, dim, drift_level=0.25, noise_level=1.0,
store_history=True, random_state=None
self.dim = dim
self.start_val = start_val
self.drift_level = drift_level
self.noise_level = noise_level
self.store_history = store_history
self.random_state = random_state
self.state = start_val
if self.store_history:
self.history = [self.state]
def run_process(self, num_steps):
Run the process for num_steps.
for i in range(num_steps):
self.state = self.step()
if self.store_history:
return self.state
def step(self):
Subclasses should implement this method. Defaults to Identity process
# print("Not implemented")
raise NotImplementedError
ar1 = StochasticProcess(0.1, 1)
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NotImplementedError Traceback (most recent call last) Cell In[56], line 53 49 raise NotImplementedError 52 ar1 = StochasticProcess(0.1, 1) ---> 53 ar1.run_process(100) Cell In[56], line 38, in StochasticProcess.run_process(self, num_steps) 36 np.random.seed(self.random_state) 37 for i in range(num_steps): ---> 38 self.state = self.step() 39 if self.store_history: 40 self.history.append(self.state) Cell In[56], line 49, in StochasticProcess.step(self) 45 """ 46 Subclasses should implement this method. Defaults to Identity process 47 """ 48 # print("Not implemented") ---> 49 raise NotImplementedError NotImplementedError:
## These subclasses are the different types of stochastic processes, and so they
## inherit methods from the StochasticProcess class.
class IdentityProcess(StochasticProcess):
An identity process.
start_val (float): The starting value of the process
**kwargs (dict): Keyword arguments to pass to the StochasticProcess constructor.
def __init__(self, start_val, **kwargs):
super().__init__(start_val, 1, **kwargs)
## super() is a function that calls the constructor of the parent class(es)
def step(self):
return self.state
class WienerProcess(StochasticProcess):
A Wiener process.
start_val (float): The starting value of the process
noise_level (float): The standard deviation of the noise
**kwargs (dict): Keyword arguments to pass to the StochasticProcess constructor.
def __init__(self, start_val, **kwargs):
super().__init__(start_val, 1, 1.0, **kwargs)
def step(self):
return self.state + np.random.normal(0, self.noise_level)
class OrnsteinUhlenbeckProcess(StochasticProcess):
An Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process.
start_val (float): The starting value of the process
drift_level (float): The magnitude of the deterministic forcing term
noise_level (float): The standard deviation of the noise
**kwargs (dict): Keyword arguments to pass to the StochasticProcess constructor.
def __init__(self, start_val, **kwargs):
super().__init__(start_val, 1, **kwargs)
def step(self):
return self.state + self.drift_level * (0 - self.state) + np.random.normal(0, self.noise_level)
class GeometricBrownianMotionProcess(StochasticProcess):
A geometric Brownian motion process.
start_val (float): The starting value of the process
drift_level (float): The magnitude of the deterministic forcing term
noise_level (float): The standard deviation of the noise
**kwargs (dict): Keyword arguments to pass to the StochasticProcess constructor.
def __init__(self, start_val, **kwargs):
super().__init__(start_val, 1, **kwargs)
def step(self):
return self.state * (1 + self.drift_level + np.random.normal(0, self.noise_level))
process_names = ["Identity", "Wiener", "OrnsteinUhlenbeck", "GeometricBrownianMotion"]
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 8))
for process_name in process_names:
process = eval(process_name + "Process")(1.0, store_history=True, random_state=14)
plt.legend([process_name + " process" for process_name in process_names])
<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x291491790>